Blog Archives

Are Hallow Icons Harder to Understand

Take the test. Decide for yourself.

Posted in Amusement, Design Ethics, Actions & Impact, Design Theory, Information, User Interface Design, Visual Concepts, Vocation & Profession

Good Design

Dieter Rams has some good things to say about good design.

Posted in Amusement, Design Ethics, Actions & Impact, Design History, Design Theory, Repost From Cited Source

Evil Begets Stupidity

Work where the best ideas will win, hopeful sooner.

Posted in Amusement, Design Theory, Repost From Cited Source, Web & App Developers

Critical Thinking: It’s What’s For Dinner

“He was so fed up with college instructors trying to teach him how to think instead of showing the structure of the subject matter, that he had decided to rebel.”

Posted in Amusement, Book Arts, Color Theory, Copywriting, Course Related, Design Ethics, Actions & Impact, Design History, Design Theory, Drawing, Editorial, Industrial Design, Information, Mad Props, Packaging, Photography, Portfolio Workshop, PrePress, Repost From Cited Source, Space, Typography, User Interface Design, Visual Concepts, Web

Kumi Yamashita

Yamashita is a fine artist in love with craft, pattern and everyday materials.

Posted in Amusement, Artists & Designers, Design History, Design Theory, Drawing, Mad Props, Persons of Interest, Visual Concepts