Subversion – Un Add Pre-Commit

Subversion. It’s not Git. And now you need to use it and you accidentally added something you didnt mean to but you caught yourself before commit, right? Right? There’s a fix for that. Here is a tasty bit of BASH from Krishnan Cheanni. Read more at his blog: here.

Remove file from Subversion after svn add, but before svn commit

If you do not want to add a certain file to your subversion repository, but it is already marked to be committed (by an already issued  svn add command) you can just type:

svn revert file.ext

to undo the add command.

If you remember to do it before the corresponding svn commit, doing this helps keeping the repository to a decent size. If you already commited the changes, you can remove it using svn delete (and an extra –force argument, if needed), but the space is wasted.

Posted in Technical Geekery, Useful Code

Thought of the Moment

PostgreSQL is a sleeping giant that will one day break and destroy me. I just sit here hoping it runs smoothly, forever. –Yuji Tomita

Posted in Amusement, Technical Geekery, Web & App Developers

Kale Gangsta


source: RootSimple

Posted in Amusement

DSL v Carrier Pigeons

The lesson? If you need your data to travel fast, use a carrier pigeon.
Read about it: here.

Posted in Amusement, Fiddling & Time Wasters

Who wants a soft job?

More Here

Posted in Amusement, Design History, Fiddling & Time Wasters